Norma Mangione Gallery


  • Owner
    Norma Mangione


  • Italy

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  • Artissima 2020-Main Section

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Artists At Artissima 2020

Francesco Barocco

Michael Bauer

Raphael Danke

Ruth Proctor

Bernd Ribbeck

Artworks at Artissima 2020

What's on at the Gallery

Behind Closed Doors - From 21/09/2020 to 24/10/2020,Turin Artist(s): Jonathan Monk

Under Twin Moons - From 05/11/2020 to 09/01/2021,Turin Artist(s): Michael Bauer, Raynes Birkbeck, Stefanie Popp, Bernd Ribbeck, Salvo

Google Map

Main Venue

Via Matteo Pescatore, 17
Turin, Italy
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