Monica De Cardenas


  • Founder
    Monica De Cardenas
  • Gallery Manager
    Lucrezia Galeotti
  • Gallery Manager
    Cristina Meregaglia
  • Gallery Manager
    Laura Lanteri


  • Italy, Switzerland

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What's on at the Gallery

Barbara Probst - From 13/05/2021 to 30/07/2021,Milano Artist(s): Barbara Probst

Les jeux de mains - From 19/12/2020 to 17/07/2021,Zuoz Artist(s): Nathalie Du Pasquier & Alessandra Spranzi

Google Map

Main Venue

via Francesco Viganò, 4
Milano, Italy

Other Venues

Chesa Albertini - Aguêl, 41
Zuoz, Switzerland
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